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Newsletter - 17th September 2023 (24th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Prayer Intentions For the Faithful recently departed:

Eileen Whittaker Margaret Casey, Sheila Winzer, Josephine Lyons


William Cullinan, Reg Horsfall, Elizabeth Flynn, Joan Slicker, Tony Jones, Alice Cox, Bernard Walker Snr, Baby Dominic Cowdray

Birthday Anniversary: Dominic & Maria Bombardini, Winne McCormack, Ethel Swann, Patsy Connor, Florence Barlow

Prayers of Healing:

Leah Parker, Maureen DeMelchor, Mick Farmer, Pauline Fernley, Pauline Wyke, Eileen Mary Thackery, Stephen Rathbone, Tony Healy, Kath Bertenshaw, Ruth Beattie, Matthew Butterworth, Mary Elson, Peter Sandham, John Corbishley, Jean Maxwell, Ray Wyke, Cathy Taylor, Mary Shields, Angela Marshall, Lynda Burke, Deirdre Rogers, Jade Costeloe, Teresa Bramall, Avya Bosnisch, Patricia McGrady, Jade Whitehead, Babs McDermott, Stuart Bowker, Viv Whitby, Tom Stevens, Liz Seddon, Anne Clayton, Lucy McGuire, Jeff Thorpe, Christopher Ward, Helena Archer, Elaine Martin, James Entwistle, Jane Owens, Nora Hickey, Monica Clarkin, Angela Entwistle, Michael Walsh, Maureen Heugh, Baby Holly Devine, Jane Steciuk, Eileen Turner, Ann Adul, Gaynor Fairfoull, Patrick Broderick, Ray Connor, Thomas Spencer, Toby Wellby, Debbie Benson

Eileen Whittaker

The whole parish family has been totally shocked and saddened to hear of the unexpected death of Eileen Whittaker. Those on the Saturday Coffee Rota would like to particularly mark her passing by saying a massive "thank you" for all that she has done over her many years of service with the team. "We are truly grateful for all that Eileen did, she was our mainstay and our friend and will be sadly missed by us all". A Requiem Mass will be said for the eternal rest of Eileen's soul on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 10.30am.

Aid To The Church In Need

A representative will be giving a brief presentation of their work at Mass

Church Cleaning

We are appealing for help with the cleaning of the church which usually takes place monthly after 9.30am mass on a Tuesday - the next being this coming week. If you can give any time to help please come along.

Short Mat Bowling

Due to recommence from Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7.30pm. All welcome, please bring indoor shoes.

Parish No Dig Garden

We are going to try and make a no dig garden behind the presbytery. In order to do this we will need a lot of cardboard to cover the areas we intend to use it on. If you have any large pieces of cardboard or large cardboard boxes could you please put them on the patio behind the presbytery to be sorted for use. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated plants and supported our project.

11.30am Mass Coffee Rota

A new rota will be available for collection from next weekend. Many thanks to our team of dedicated volunteers who provide this service throughout the year. If you are interested in helping out then please speak to anyone in the kitchen.

Oldham Foodbank

Sadly the foodbank is running low on just everything so please continue to make donations of non-perishable goods. The Foodbank is always most grateful for your contributions and values your generosity and kindness highly. Any foodstuffs can be can be left under the long table in the porch.

Asylum Seekers Appeal

The latest request from the Oldham Unity Project is for toothbrushes and roll on/spray deodorants although donations of other toiletries will be most welcome. If you would like to make a cash donation to the project please put an envelope marked "Asylum Seekers" in the SVP white post box in the porch or contact Neil on 07909 953 458 / for bank details to make a direct payment.

Readers at Mass

16/09/23 - 12pm: Catherine Kearns

17/09/23 - 9.30am: Paul Smith / 11.30am: Tricia Marshall

23/09/23 - 12pm: Jean Toft

24/09/23 - 9.30am: Mike Howell / 11.30am Marie Syder

Eucharistic Ministers

16/09/23 - 12pm: Paul Smithies

17/09/23 - 9.30am: Janet Rathburn / 11.30am: Ilona West

23/09/23 - 12pm: Ruth Woodvine

24/09/23 - 9.30am: Gloria Lander / 11.30am: Anne Aspey

Newsletter Items

To Beverley Wilson ( or leave a message with the presbytery before 6pm on Thursday please. Anyone wishing to receive the newsletter by email please contact Beverley.

God Bless,

Father Callum & Father John

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